ArcheAge Wiki

ArcheAge Fishing Guide-0


Idiots guide to fishing

Fishing is one of the proficiencies in ArcheAge. One starts on the shore and moves up to sport fishing in the open waters at fish schools.

Low Level Fishing[]

Fishing is done with a fishing rod and earthworms. One clicks the fishing ability and then at the water. This uses up the worms and Labor Points.

Fishing yields fish of white, green or blue rarity depending on the fish species or lock boxes. There is a fishing quest starting in Ezna Harbor or Lute Song Harbor that rewards the player with Treaded Wellingtons and the title Discriminating Tastes,

Sport Fishing[]

Sport fishing is basically done on the open sea and on some lakes, recognizable by a fish stand next to it.

To start sport fishing, you need to find a school of fish, usually marked by seagulls flying over it. You then need to throw a bucket of chum into the water (made with 40 ground grain and 60 bait worms at cooking stations or on a fishing boat). Furthermore you need to attach a sport-fishing lure to your fishing rod (crafted with 15 iron ingots).

At this point you are good to go, throw your line into the water and play the minigame by pressing the lit up buttons at the right time to slowly whittle the fish down. When its hp drops to zero, you can swim out and loot it, though each sport fishing fish is considered a trade pack, so bring your own boat or some friends to carry them all.

All thats left now is to haul the fish back to a fish stand, located in a lot of harbors around the map.
